Friday July 22, 2022 Update

Summer has been in full swing here with warmer temps this week, so we hope everyone has been able to keep cool! This week we have been working on entryway glass door inserts. Last week was cabinet door glass, so this week is the “larger” version for front doors! Plus we do inserts for the sidelites a well to match - or not! Inserts can be clear, tinted, textured, sandblasted, or stained glass/overlay. This provides multiple options of design and privacy. We can also double or triple glaze these units for a stronger exterior glass.

We can also do glass inserts for interior doors - have a porthole, half the door, or even a whole door of art glass. We are here for your design and privacy needs when it comes to glass and mirror.

Friday May 28, 2021 Update

Many people have spent some more time in the kitchen during this pandemic. Many new recipes were created and tried, plenty of sourdough baked, and maybe getting creative with leftovers. While being at home more, our clients are possibly noticing more things that need some kind of glass. We have had more clients updating their cabinet doors with glass inserts. These can range from clear glass so you can see all of your cute mugs, to a distorting texture, to completely obscuring the view with art glass. Our cabinet door section on our website here has more information and photos of work we have done.

Check out the gallery below for some of the custom work we have done. If you have a unique design in mind, let us know! Our designers love creating for our clients and strive to make your ideas become reality!

Friday April 23, 2021 Update

A nice cool week for us hear in Carlsbad. Great for early morning jogs and afternoon walks. It’s nice being next to the Coastal Rail Trail and a groomers because we get to see the great people and their wonderful dogs! San Diego is great for dogs and we love getting to see all the happy pooches stroll by our shoppe!

Did you know our designers can recreate a picture in art glass? Our stained glass dog with reference photo is pretty neat! We also think it helps show just how out of the box we can be with art glass. Inspiration from photos. the home, paintings, music, and real life are all possible. It is fun a unique to see how things are transformed when turned into art glass. On top of that, when used with windows or entryways, you get a custom view that also keeps your home or office as private as you want the design to be. The light still shines in and quite beautifully through the glass while keeping your privacy.

Friday April 7, 2021 Update

It has been over a year, but in California we can go back to theme parks this month! We would love to make an art glass roller coaster themed panel - not something you see too often and our designers LOVE unusual and creative requests! For those curious, we have a lot of our art glass on this site, but you can check out Art Glass Overlay here and see our site dedicated to all the art glass we do! Get inspired, see our work, and let us know how we can add art glass to your life!

Art glass covers many things- not just stained glass, but also lead and bevel, cast glass, and sandblasted glass.

Stained glass and lead and bevel (or leadlight) are in the same realm as far as art glass goes and have many overlaps. We think of stained glass as colorful, but it can just feature clear glass and lead lines such as leadlight along with including clear bevels (as lead and bevel implies). Sometimes this is called clear stained glass. This overlap can be confusing, but just let us know what you are looking for and we can create something to match your needs.

Cast glass takes a super heated sheet of glass and presses it into a mold. The designs are pressed into the glass leaving their detailed depressions. We have options of repeating cast glass designs, or we can create custom scenes in clear glass. These make amazing doors for showers or offices.

Sandblasted glass is glass etched with a high powered blast of sand. There will be a frosted design with glass or mirror as the negative space or vise versa. These are great for logos or signs, family crests, floral designs, unusual designs, and more. Our designers work with our clients to create the designs that will be used for sandblasting, which means we can create anything that looks good as a silhouette on your glass or mirror.

Art glass is our designers passion and where owner Penny started in the glass world (35+ years of experience!) But don’t think our designs are stuck in the past - we pay homage to the classics, create modern works, create weird works, and create what our clients love in glass!