After a long day of work...

It’s nice to take a break!

Shop doggo Smidge getting a nap in after a long day of puppy work!

Smidge is always happy to greet our visitors and open to some nice pets! Some of her favorite spots are sitting on top of the table or laying in the sun by the sliding glass door. Her favorite hobbies are chewing on her toys and chasing the ball. We are so lucky to have this sweet spirit brighten our days even more at the Shoppe!

Friday April 23, 2021 Update

A nice cool week for us hear in Carlsbad. Great for early morning jogs and afternoon walks. It’s nice being next to the Coastal Rail Trail and a groomers because we get to see the great people and their wonderful dogs! San Diego is great for dogs and we love getting to see all the happy pooches stroll by our shoppe!

Did you know our designers can recreate a picture in art glass? Our stained glass dog with reference photo is pretty neat! We also think it helps show just how out of the box we can be with art glass. Inspiration from photos. the home, paintings, music, and real life are all possible. It is fun a unique to see how things are transformed when turned into art glass. On top of that, when used with windows or entryways, you get a custom view that also keeps your home or office as private as you want the design to be. The light still shines in and quite beautifully through the glass while keeping your privacy.