Friday June 25, 2021 Update

We're halfway to Christmas! So maybe we're dreaming of cooler weather sometimes, but we are enjoying the sun and the surprise patches of rain. Summer is here and we are here for your glass and mirror needs! Summer heat is a big issue in Southern California, and while we can’t help you with your air conditioning, we can with insulation; specifically, windows! For our clients with single pane windows (or damaged dual pane), we can replace them with new dual pane, vinyl retrofit windows. The added layers of thicker tempered glass, air, and more glass provide a much better buffer from the elements than a single piece of glass. This will help keep your home cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter, and quieter from sounds of the outside. Our window page here has more information and pictures to give you a better idea of what we do.

Of course, our artistic minds couldn’t suggest windows without suggesting some art glass windows! They are great for any window, but you will see them often decorating the sidelight of a front door or adding privacy to a large bathroom window. We can use textured or privacy glass, sandblast a design, or use stained glass to create a lead and bevel design, some color, or full color!

We have some new products coming up which we will share in our blog here. So check back often for new items and to find out what is happening at the Shoppe!