Friday March 3, 2023 Update

Happy March everyone! We have had lots of rain but we’re given a nice break last Sunday for Oak Gallery’s One year Anniversary and Artist Reception. It was a ton of fun and people went home with a lot of great art! Plus, owner Penny even has a section where you can purchase her photos and greeting cards at Oak Gallery.

Now, we “March” towards Spring and another season of being creative.

Many clients are interested in adding art glass to their home, and we have been doing a lot of designing and creating (and more designing which will lead to more creating!) Art glass is great for mirrors, windows, doors, cabinet doors, shower glass, and more. We even have panels like the bird of paradise that with some chain are ready to hang in front of your window. Come check them out, they are next to our sliding glass door. More will be added, so be sure to check back and follow us on our social media (found below)