Friday March 24, 2023 Update

Some more rain and work on freeway left things a little quiet this week around Carlsbad Village. Today, the sun is shining and it is a lovely Friday!

We have been working on repairing damaged glass and crystal items by smoothing down rough parts, grinding down rims in chipped glasses to give them smooth edges again, and using our UV curing glass adhesive to but pieces back together. When something is important to you, it’s nice to have it in one piece even if it shows some little battle scars! Check out our repair page here to see some of our work and follow us on social media at the bottom of the page to see even more!

Before and after:

Friday March 11, 2022 Update

Repairing glass items with UV curing adhesive is one of the ways we can help put keepsakes back together. We spend time to carefully layout the “puzzle” and put any available pieces back together. The look of the cracks may lesson, and some fine ones may even disappear into the repair.

Below we have a before and after of one of our repairs along with a gallery below of our finished repairs!

Friday June 11, 2021 Update

This pandemic has created some intense problems, and we do feel like things are getting better, but it is unusual how things have been affected. Think back to the flour shortage - there was plenty of flour, just not enough paper bags! Recently there is a lumber shortage which affects buildings and how things are shipped. Many things are packed into large wooden crates, but without the lumber man items that are shipped in bulk are not being shipped. This has affected many items, seeming at random, because of what stock is still available and if these items can be shipped but at a slower pace. Even the glass industry has been affected with slower shipping speeds to get items.

We have been able to still provide our clients with their glass needs, trying to avoid a slow down in getting projects done. Having a backlog can be frustrating for everyone, but we work hard to do everything we can to get everything accomplished. We are glad to have clients that are patient and understanding with things beyond our control. The project will be completed!

So thank you all for working with us! Because of you, we have many amazing glass, mirror, and crystal projects to create, repair, and improve for our fantastic clients!