Friday July 10, 2020 Update

Things are tough still for everyone as businneses around us had to reduce how they can serve their customers. Carlsbad is trying to work out how to help its locals, so we shall see what they can do. For now we must all support each other in staying safe, wearing your mask, social distancing, and shopping from local businesses more remotely (online, over the phone, etc.)

Since last week, we have had more and more stained glass repairs show up. These pieces have been passed down generations, been purchased from a different country, or even came with the home! There is always a back story, and we enjoy restoring these pieces. Matching glass as much as possible, soldering weak areas, properly cleaning the pieces, and reinforcing them are some of the services we do for our clients stained glass. We have even made matching pieces to go with one our clients had.

We are able to stay open because of the industry we are in while also following all guidelines. Masks, sanitizer, and very frequent cleanings are our lives now. But we are here because windows break, showers need glass, and as a small business we need the support of our clients. This has made it the perfect time for repairing those heirlooms because more people are staying home and can see these items need some love.

So a big thank you to our clients for working with us and having the patience as we tackle new issues brought on by the pandemic.

It is pleasant to see those in our community supporting the village and following guidelines. Thank you and continue being kind!