Friday May 27, 2022 Update

It’s been a warm week as we get closer to June. We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend and can take some time to pause and reflect in remembrance for Memorial Day. We know it can be a hard time, but we are grateful for what we have because of what those have sacrificed. We all have at least one person in our lives that we miss and are grateful for. Last Saturday we also had Armed Forces Day, so it has been a time to appreciate those that help us.

Enjoy the weekend, your family, and friends and we will be back at it on Tuesday!

Friday June 12, 2020 Update

Protest’s last weekend were peaceful and wonderful. We hope all the right people hear the message for positive change.

Amid all this we are still keeping our precautions against Covid-19 by wearing masks , keeping our distance, and using sanitizer.

Our wonderful clients have been great with contacting us by phone, text, or email. With some information and pictures if needed, we can give close estimates on items we need to measure or inspect. If you know what you need, after a few questions we can give you a price and have your glass ordered. Then you wait for our call to come pick up your item. Credit card payments can be done over the phone for your convenience as well!

The Shoppe is a small (micro?) business trying to survive just as many others around us are. We have done the little we can to support our community that we have been a part of for many years. We look forward to many more years with the friends and family we have around us