Friday May 7, 2021 Update

This week we had Star Wars day on May the Fourth (May the Fourth be with you!) and Cinco de Mayo the next day! The latter has much more celebration in this country than its origin in Mexico, but it is great to have this blending of cultures. We love our world and all the unique and wonderful traditions we have. What tradition inspired art do you have in your culture? As artists, we love pulling inspiration from our surroundings and we really enjoy seeing how others are inspired to create their work - even if it isn’t glass!

Our glass art is where we let out our creative sides, but we have many functional glass services that we provide. Summer is coming, and one of our best options to fight the heat is replacing single pane windows with new dual pane vinyl retrofit ones for the improved insulation. We have mentioned them before, and you can check out more information on windows here.

Our next way to beat the heat is a nice, cool shower. We have many options of glass shower enclosures that you can see here. There is nothing like cooling down in the shower after a long warm day, so why not make it unique as well? There are different types of glass to choose from along with different hardware colors to match your space. Many of our clients are going for frameless, clear doors which are made with strong, tempered glass. It’s a clean look that is easy to clean and opens the space up. If you are looking for more privacy, our rain glass or bamboo glass are wonderful textures that obscure the view. Check out the links above to learn about our window and shower options, and you can also contact us here for more information!

We hope everyone had a great week and celebrated these holidays safely and will continue the fun by having a fabulous weekend!